13th Floor New Song Of The Day: Fathe – Sister

Auckland-based musician Fathe has just posted his new song/video titled Sister.

Watch it here, then join Father & The Sweetos at Neck Of The Woods tomorrow (Saturday) night for a live performance. Here’s what Fathe has to say about it:

We are putting up this show to celebrate a video for my song “Sister” and to celebrate the meaning, the words of the song are so relevant to what’s happening in the world at the moment.

“gotta smile in the time when no one understand.. You gotta cry in the hard times, you gotta fly in the hard times”

I’m having my giant band again ‘Fathe and The Sweetos.’
And we have a guest band ‘Sanguine’
We have amazing DJ Banty all the way from Nigeria and we we have another couple of djs Chapters and WhyFi.. All people I trust.