13th Floor New Song Of The Day: Prison Choir – Tongue

Here’s one to get your tongues wagging…and its from a new band called Prison Choir, from Wellington.

The song is Tongue and the band is a 6-piece amalgamation of musicians you may have heard in previous incarnations. Here’s the record company blurb with more:

Prison Choir are Pōneke’s next generation of musicians finding their feet. Primarily directed by Xanthe (far left), Josh (back middle) and Christian (second from right). After practicing and arranging for a year before they played their first shows last month, they have already garnered a reputation as a must-see. Having seven members from diverse musical backgrounds has meant the band have amalgamated different influences and built a complex sonic structure. Members have previously played in Yukon Era, Soda Boyz, Courtney Hate, Boycrush and Fruit Juice Parade.

Tongue is a fantasy song about making out with someone with honey in your mouth. Beginning with an emergent arpeggio and slightly unsettling breathy vocals, the song eventually slides into a lush chorus that washes over you, asking you to submit, “Lie down on the ground and watch me, twirling around, a cell dancing.”

This is the first single from an EP recorded by Harry Lilley at premier Te Papaioea studio The Stomach and later mixed and mastered by James Goldsmith, to be released in 2021 with an accompanying national tour. The cover art is by Joe Locke (of PHF).