13th Floor New Song Of The Day: Serious Happiness – Suzy Come Home

Today we bring you a slice of “Jandal Pop”, thanks to Kiwi band Serious Happiness and their new song, Suzy Come Home.

Here’s the record company blurb with more info about Serious Happiness:

Joel Ruys, Kayleb Duckett, Sam Egli and Stu Morris are the faces of Serious Happiness, the inimitable rock-n-roll boy-band who having just played their first ever Auckland gig with psychedelic pop’n roll band FRED, release their debut ‘Suzie Come Home’ across all digital platforms.

Though scarcely older than a year, the aspirant Kiwi band are said to boast live shows that are fizzing, instrument-trading and highly energetic. While their sound nods to the Dunedin jangle-era bands like The Clean, Serious Happiness have infused their Taranaki roots to create what we will call Jandal-pop in a track all about partying and being in love.

It’s basically a song about going crazy knowing your flirtatious partner is out on the raz.” – Serious Happiness.

‘Suzie Come Home’ was recorded at Rhythm Ace Studio by Sam Johnson, with the official video filmed by Ben D’Ath and edited by Serious Happiness.