13th Floor New Song Of The Day: Semisonic – You’re Not Alone

Remember Closing Time? Remember 1998? Well Semisonic is back with a brand new song.

The tune is called You’re Not Alone and its the band’s first new stuff in almost 20 years. The track is taken from a new 5-song EP due out on September 19th also called You’re Not Alone.

According to lead singer Dan Wilson, he wrote the song a few years ago and the band recorded it last year, yet it sounds amazingly relevant now. “Coincidentally, the song is coming out when both a global pandemic and racial justice protests are compelling us to re-imagine our relationships to each other and the communities we live in,” he stated. “Just as I had hoped when I first wrote it, I hope the song will communicate a sense of connection and comfort, an awareness that we’re not alone.”