Auckland Pride Announce Fundraiser for Bipoc Queer & Trans Community

Auckland Pride has released a fundraising campaign, Where It Matters, to support queer and trans creatives responding to the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on the arts industry. Auckland Pride is putting its support where it matters, and supporting initiatives so that queer and trans BIPOC (black, indigenous, and all people of colour) communities in Aotearoa are equitably resourced to share their stories and have safe spaces to celebrate in.

Where It Matters supports five different initiatives and events that are created for and by these communities. These are initiatives that showcase brilliance, uplift artists, and give space to QTBIPOC in Aotearoa. From the launch of cultural competency model The Well, to the Say Her Name Vogue Ball supporting the Black Trans Lives Matter movement, a QTBIPOC Club night Filth supporting upcoming DJs and artists, a safe and inclusive space celebrating diverse bodies and destigmatising sex work BodyHaus, and COVEN’s third annual Halloween Ball – these incredible events and initiatives will support and celebrate our QTBIPOC communities in Tāmaki Makaurau.

Director of Pride Max Tweedie says “The effects of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement have both highlighted the importance of supporting creatives from communities that are structurally disadvantaged by racism. Auckland Pride is committed to continuing our work to empower those communities to be visible, heard, and celebrated during Pride. Where It Matters is only a part of our responsibility to QTBIPOC communities, and we’re proud to do our part to break down barriers. So we really encourage you to support the arts during our COVID recovery, and put your money where it matters.”

Auckland Pride is aiming to raise $12,500 over four weeks on Boosted to support these five events and initiatives, launching Wednesday 8 July. Calling on Auckland Pride’s wider community and network to get behind this campaign to open their pockets and purses, and support these incredible queer initiatives. The money will go towards the creatives, artists and organisers that have cultivated the spaces and initiatives that directly benefit their communities.
Where It Matters
Auckland Pride’s four week campaign begins Wednesday 8 July, 2020
Funds will be donated to: AOMS – The Well, Say Her Name – Vogue Night, Filth, BodyHaus, and COVEN – Halloween Ball

For details and to donate, head to 

For enquiries about Where It Matters, please contact:
Max Tweedie, Auckland Pride – 027 868 0774 or [email protected]

Artist initiatives:
Each creative can be contacted for comment and more info

The Well by AOMS (Afrika On My Sleeve):
Founded in 2013 by Makanaka Tuwe, The AOMS (Afrika on My Sleeve) Township is a response to how we live, co-exist and work together in a manner that honours the humanity of all involved. Developed in 2020, The Well is a series of Cultural Competency packages that were developed and co-created with communication specialists, academics and social change mentors. In the township, the well is where everyone gathers for water; a vital source of nourishment, rejuvenation and survival.

Using storytelling as their framework, the mission of their offerings is to hold space that allows for the co-creation of a network that is committed to exploring transformational ways to build and imagine the future. With support from this campaign, The Well will be launched at an event in the second half of 2020.

Say Her Name – Vogue Night:
The Fem Queens of the Auckland Vogue scene have come together to produce Say Her Name – Vogue Night. They aim to reunite our community and stand in solidarity with Black Trans Lives and the Black Lives Matter movement. All profits from the night will go towards the “Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund”.

Filth is a QTBIPOC club night focused on creating an intended space for our marginalised whānau, prioritising those who the systems fail. Filth is wanting to put money into tangible safety practices and tools to help the next generation of artists. This includes a series of workshops and an equipment fund for up and coming DJs and artists.

BodyHaus is a strip club night for queers, by queers! An evening of strip tease & live performances that is a safer inclusive space that aims to de-stigmatise this important line of work. The evening will prioritise trans and gender diverse people of colour who often don’t feel safe enough to perform elsewhere. We want to create change by celebrating all bodies.

COVEN – Halloween Vogue Ball:
This year arts collective/house of COVEN-Carangi will be hosting their third annual Halloween Ball. Halloween is one of the few seasonal celebrations in our calendar year where we have permission to express our inner monsters, freaks, and succubus freely – without cis-hets batting an eye.