13th Floor New Song Of The Day: Chappaqua Wrestling – The Rift

New music today from a new band. The song is The Rift and the band is Chappaqua Wrestling.

They hail from the UK and have yet to release an album, but this new song sounds promising. Vocalist Charlie Woods has this to say about The Rift:

“‘The Rift’ is a track about conflict, acknowledging the increasing divisions within society, and calling out those that turn the blind eye. Events from the last year have got to a global boiling point and creatively this has taken us to the same place. It’s the most powerful track we’ve released so far, and it amplifies our perception on how the last year or so has felt. Lyrically it’s influence comes from the poem written shortly after the Peterloo massacre in Manchester; “The Masque of Anarchy” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. It’s an old talisman for suppressed voices in this country, and some of its verses still clearly resonate today.”