New Song Of The Day: The Infinity Chamber – No Honey

Hear new Kiwi music from The Infinity Chamber by way of Istanbul…its a new tune called No Honey.

The Infinity Chamber is the current incarnation of Kiwi artist Dylan Ware who is now based in Istanbul. Dylan contacted The 13th Floor to let us in on his new song and sent along this update:

No Honey developed as I roamed for years with a sheepskin jacket & my guitar. It moved in trains & well-worn boots through too many countries to recall. February 2021 saw its finishing.

I was born & raised in NZ – a paradise – but too quiet. I now hang in Istanbul, where – until the covid pandemic – my band gigged amid the endlessly seething megalopolis.

Acoustic folk-rock. Written, played & sung by Dylan Ware.

Recorded by Luc Glaister (English) at Pearshaped Productions,

Mixed & mastered by Matt Loftin (Texan)

all residents of Istanbul.

The Infinity Chamber is Istanbul-based New Zealand song-writer and guitarist, Dylan Paul Ware. Alt-rock, dark indie-folk, & folk-rock music.

Born and raised in New Zealand, Dylan travelled the world hobo-style, sleeping in cemeteries and empty buildings, a sheepskin jacket and a guitar, a pocket of songs
and a solitude thinking too much…

There were a lot of adventures. After some time living in Germany, The Channel Islands, Bulgaria, India, and Romania, Dylan eventually settled in Istanbul, Turkey, where he currently lives with his cat, his birds, a large and beautiful garden, and no real purpose other than to make songs and rejoice in the splendour of existing.

Influenced by the poets Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, the guitar work of Peter Green, the music of The Beatles, Dylan has released three albums and three EPs.

The first, Dark Wind Songs, is a collection of acoustic songs from the road. Recorded partly in Bulgaria, and partly in Turkey, they are quiet, finger-picked meditations on the cycles of life and love, and connections with nature.

Wolfsongbird, more than an EP, just shy of an LP, is a more complex set of recordings, with a wider range of instruments, and though still characteristically folky, the first hint of the rock influence begins to show.

The Infinity Chamber (album) is an absolute showcase of accomplished songwriting, beautiful playing, sublime orchestration, slick production, and deep and heavy lyric themes. Any illusion of frivolity the opening track, “Nothing”, may bestow is soon shattered by its successor, “The Delicate Art of Reflection”. The 15 songs on the album oscillate between the bowels of Bukowskian dilapidation and other-worldly serenity, touching upon various bases along the way. Gentle acoustic tracks, interspersed with pounding, percussive foot-stompers.

Before the pandemic shut things down, Dylan formed a band (called The Infinity Chamber) with three friends in Istanbul, and together, they played gigs and wild concerts throughout the city.

Don’t miss the videos for “Willow”, “The Lonely Gnome”, and “Matthew”, which can be found on The Infinity Chamber’s secret gem-studded YouTube Channel:

If you’re rich and/or generous, TIC albums can be heard (and purchased) here:

Their albums can be found (and heard) here: