Don McGlashan – Powerstation November 5, 2022

Don McGlashan and his stellar band lit up Auckland’s Powerstation like a firecracker on this Guy Fawkes night.

Not only did we have one of New Zealand’s finest songwriters on stage, but the bill included three of the country’s best guitarists as well.

Otis Mace

The night got underway with Auckland folkie Otis Mace who was accompanied by John Segovia and Rick McShane. I count Segovia as one of those 3 great guitarists, although he was playing bass tonight.

Mace has been around awhile…someone in the crowd came up to me and remembered seeing him at Sweetwaters.

Otis’ 30 minute set include a few choice originals including Pale Bulb (a tribute to his wife) and Roller Skate Rescue, where he “just wants to sit on the roof and throw peaches at the cars”.

I cover of John Cooper Clarke’s New Assassin sat well with the gathering crowd.

Dianne Swann

Next up, Dianne Swann, who was full of rock and roll swagger (check those shades!).  And she had the band to pull it off. Brett Adams was on guitar, Ben King on bass, Tom Broome behind the kit and Mathias Jordan on keys. Together they brought a choice selection of tunes from Dianne’s solo album, The War On Peace Of Mind, to life. We got seven songs in 30 minutes with set opener Rare Good Feeling and These Are The Days highlights to these ears.

Rock on, Dianne!

Don McGlashan

Mr. McGlashan’s hired gunslinger was none other than a certain Shayne P Carter. Also on stage were drumming madman Chris O’Connor (Phoenix Foundation), violinist Anita Clark (Motte) and bass man James Duncan (SJD).

“This is a song called Sunscreen

And off we go! Close to two hours of the finest songs you’ll ever hear played by some of the country’s best musicians.

Mr. McGlashan was in fine voice and, as always, he brought his euphonium.

O’connor’s metronomic drum beat powered A Thing Well Made while Anita assisted beautifully on Bathe In The River.

Anchor Me was an early inclusion in the set, followed by “one more spooky one before we get loud”…Shackelton.

“Here’s a November the 5th song”…it’s John Bryce from Bright November Morning and Shayne’s wah wah lit the bonfire!

Of course Dominion Road was right around the corner and the set ended with a howl from that Euphonium as The Heater careened to an end.

“It’s the first time I played here (The Powerstation) under my own name, I hope it’s not the last”, noted Don before revving up the band one more time for an extended When The Trumpets Sound and finally, Pulled Along By Love.

By then, the entire venue was singing the song…now that’s how to celebrate on November 5th.

Marty Duda

Click on any image to view a photo gallery by Chris Zwaagdyk

Don McGlashan:

Dianne Swann:

Otis Mace:

Don McGlashan setlist:

  1. Sunscreen
  2. Lights Come On
  3. Go Back In
  4. All The Goodbyes In The World
  5. A Thing Well Made
  6. Song For Sue
  7. Bathe In The River
  8. Nothing On The Windows
  9. Anchor Me
  10. Shackleton
  11. White Valiant
  12. John Bryce
  13. Start Again
  14. Don’t Fight It Marsha
  15. Dominion Road
  16. The Heater
  17. When The Trumpets Sound
  18. Pulled Along By Love