Loves Ugly Children – The Mothership: August 22, 2024 (13th Floor Concert Review)

Loves Ugly Children rose from the dead to treat Auckland music lovers to their first show in 27 years.

Actually, the trio scored a show at in their hometown of Christchurch at the Go Live Festival  on August 17th, serving as a dress rehearsal for their Auckland reunion.


BloodbagsThe Mothership was suitably dark and dungeon-like as Bloodbags took to the stage. The tall trio, led by guitarist/vocalist Andrew Tolley and ably assisted by Matt Rapley (bass) and Sam Rolston (drums) cleared out the cobwebs for a very loud, very noisy 30+ minute opening set that roared through the assembled audience like a runaway train.

Loves Ugly Children

By the time 9:40 rolling around the three members of Loves Ugly Children found their way to the stage…with drummer Jason Young, complete with salt and pepper beard and hair, behind his kit as Floss Fleury strapped on her bass and Simon MacLaren tested his efx pedals.

LUCCan you hear us out there?” he called out before leading the band through Senseless, a tune from their 1994 EP, Cold Water Surf. The sound was a bit murky and the band sounding slightly tentative.

All that gave away when they played Voodoo Girl, which sounded awesome. But not before Simon offered the audience member whistling loudly $5 “not to do that again”.

By then time Voodoo Girl came to an end the vibe was celebratory, with both band and audience feeling like they were part of something special.

The 15-song set found the band touching on both albums, plus various EP and single tracks. We even got a cover of Song To The Siren…I wonder what Tim Buckley would have thought of this version!

Sixpack was another highlight…sounding like a cross between The Stooges and Nirvana. Could it be that Loves Ugly Children were/are New Zealand’s Nirvana?

Something to think about…

Loves Ugly Children

I gotta say, they sounded tight…seguing fluidly from Totally Down to Space Set…all the while looking much better than any 50 year old grunge rockers have a right to.

“That’s the top of the mountain,” declared Simon after Personal World, “now we slide down the other side”.

Indeed, the final few songs were more obscure, delighting hardcore fans who have been waiting almost 30 years to hear them again.

Just an hour after it began,  the set came to a close with Love You Dead. Floss was on her knees and the crowd was hollering for more.

Will we have to wait another 25 years to see them again?

I don’t think so.

Marty Duda

Click on any image to view a photo gallery by Thomas Coffey:

Love Ugly Children:



Loves Ugly Children Setlist:

  1. Senseless
  2. Voodoo Girl
  3. City That Shines
  4. Totally Down
  5. Space Suit
  6. Latest Product
  7. Sixpack
  8. Personal World
  9. Bleed
  10. Falling Down
  11. Suck
  12. Good Thing
  13. Nothing Is True
  14. Song To The Siren
  15. Love You Dead

Click here to watch the 13th Floor interview with Loves Ugly Children