Going Global Artist Showcase – Triple Whammy: August 30, 2024
The Going Global Artist Showcases on Thursday and Friday featured 24 of New Zealand’s finest up and coming musicians. The 13th Floor’s Marty Duda was there and on Friday night he was accompanied by photographer Chris Zwaagdyk.
As it did on Thursday night, the action got underway at 7:40pm and ran non-stop til almost midnight with each of the 12 artists performing a 20-minute set.
7:40: Up first was Holly Arrowsmith and early arrivers were treated to one of the evening’s highlights as Holly performed songs from her new album, Blue Dreams, with help from producer Tom Healy on guitar and Anita Clark (Motte) on violin. We’re off to a great start!
8:00: Hemi Hemingway is Wellington artist Shaun Blackwell. We caught Hemi last year at Whammy Backroom with his band The Snowflakes. Hemi is blessed with a voice and a vibe that falls somewhere between Roy Orbison and Chris Isaak. His 20-minute solo set (singing to backing tracks due to financial considerations) left audience members swooning. Another wonderful talent to watch!
8:20: Ben Woods: Back into Double Whammy territory…actually where Wine Cellar stage used to be…and Ben Woods is struggling to be heard, or at least listened to. Ben and his band are from Christchurch but unfortunately this was neither the time or the place for his brand of “goth-folk”. The crowd was more inclined to party at the point and unfortunately Ben Woods became barely audible background music.
8:40: Lou’ana: But here at Going Global, things can change in a heartbeat. I’m already a big fan of Lou’ana and, so, it seems, is everyone else in the crowd. Lou’ana and her band get down with a solid, soulful set that demands to be heard. And it is. Time to get on the good foot!
9:00: Ringlets: Another 13th Floor favourite is post-punkers Ringlets. Lazlo, Leith, Arabella and Arlo are already rocking by the time we squeeze into Whammy proper. As always, its worth the effort. The band is on fire and liquid libation is required. The set seems way too short…a good sign. Why aren’t these folks superstars?
9:20: Missy is Abigail Knudson and there is a rare pause in the proceedings as Missy seems to be having tech issues. Finally there is music! Dreampop fills the air, although the crowd seems distracted. Like Ben Woods before her, Missy struggles to be heard but eventually wins the battle.
9:40: Phoebe Rings is a band and they are: Alex Freer (drums), Ben Lock (bass & vocals), Simeon Kavanagh-Vincent (guitar) and Crystal Choi on lead vocals and keys. We caught them earlier this year at Wine Cellar and hearing them tonight, they haven’t changed a bit, which is a good thing. we are treated to their brand new single, just released the previous day titled Daisy. Their unique blend of soft rock, jazz and gentle disco serves as a closing chapter on a ‘quieter side’ of the evening.
10:00: And with Swallow The Rat, things get very loud and just a bit messy. Another 13th Floor favourite, The Rat rocked original Whammy, setting the tone for the rest of the evening, meaning things would get…less mellow.
10:20 Brandon Siraz is hip-hop artist Brandon Rangi-Dixon. And set up on the on Wine Cellar stage, Brandon and his crew demanded to be heard. And they were. A party atmosphere takes over and its a whole new ballgame!
10:40: Induna: Things take a turn for the worse with Induna, an Afro-pop artist originally from South Africa. I’m sorry, but I wasn’t impressed with what I heard…average pop-soul with generic backing tracks and not much soul.
And with that I retreat to the bar to hang out with the cool kids. I miss the rest of Induna and all of Soft Bait, but return to catch Casual Healing, aka Nikau Te Huki, who closes out the night in fine fashion.
Soft Bait:
Casual Healing:
These past two nights have indeed showcased 24 of New Zealand’s finest, most of whom should, indeed, be Going Global.
Marty Duda