Fables and Greta O’Leary – The Tuning Fork: October 13, 2024

Sunday night at The Tuning Fork and we are treated to two of New Zealand’s most intriguing singer/songwriters…Jess Bailey, aka Fables, and Greta O’Leary, both with full bands and new songs.

Greta O’Leary

Greta O'Leary“This is our first show as a band”, Greta announces as she and her band get things going just before 8pm. Indeed Greta had performed in Wellington just a few days earlier but was only accompanied by producer/guitarist Jol Mulholland. New she’s up to full power with Alistair Deverick behind the drum kit, Dean Rodrigues on bass and Hannah Morrell, borrowed from Fables, singing backup and playing her fiddle.  And, yes, Mr. Mulholland is there, stage right, playing guitar.

“I’m so lucky, my baby left me…not gonna be no ball and chain”, Greta sings, or rather purrs, over a lightly strummed acoustic guitar. Meanwhile, Jol adds just a hint of slide guitar adding drama to the dreamy despair.

Greta O'Leary“Hello, there’s so many of you here, it’s a bit much!” declares  O’Leary. The Wellingtonian, now living in Auckland, seems surprised to see a roomful of people waiting to hear her songs.

Or is she?

Her awkward stage presence, heavy on long pauses and random comments such as…”so many things to tell you, but it’s not working for me”…keep everyone on edge, but also everyone listening (except for the loud group at the table in the back).

So it this shtick or a reaction to playing in front of family and friends?

Here’s a bit of banter before her new single Baptised At The Desktop Computer…”Its about that moment in every child’s life when their parent comes home with a bottle of holy water because they think they’re possessed with a demon”.

Interesting, to say the least.

Of course Greta covers Gillian Welch and of course the song is I’m Not Afraid To Die.

After The Year Of The Dog…preceded by another disturbing story, this one about burying dead horses and a dog standing guard on the mound…Jess Bailey comes up to help with Good Girl.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, Greta intones, but actually it is. And so wraps up an intriguing set from an artist who looks to be following her own path.


FablesAt 9pm Jessica Bailey and this latest version of Fables assemble on the stage, but Adam, who eventually plays guitar and mandolin, is sent packing.

“Adam’s been banished”, Jess tell us, but  he’ll come back later.

We are not sure what caused Adam to be sent off but Jess introduces herself…”I’m here to sing for you…I’m just…I’m feeling…many of them….and…I’m just gonna start pretty mellow so I can just feel a bit grounded”.

Suitably grounded, Jess and her guitar get things started singing, “I’m tired of changes” and it sounds lovely.

Adam is called back and he and the rest of the band…Eleanor on bass, James on drums and trumpet, the aforementioned Adam playing guitar and mandolin and Hannah is back singing and playing violin. No surnames here, please.

The 9-song set if full of new songs such as Kiss Me…”this one’s really fresh”….and My Home Is Not My Address which gets a false start that just adds to the charm of the evening.

FablesA highlight is a song called Notebook with Hannah’s violin sounding perfect, followed by Enough with Adam’s mandolin blending beautifully with the fiddle and the voice. When Jess finishes, it’s a pin-drop moment…the audience is entranced.

Finn Johansson comes around to add some BVs, but the star of this set is Jess’ voice and her songs.

Its notoriously difficult to get folks to come out on a Sunday night, but with two acts putting on such a fine display of song writing talent and musicianship I think I can safely speak for everyone who witness tonight’s show that it was well-worth the effort.

Marty Duda

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Greta O’Leary:


Greta O’Leary setlist:

  1. So Lucky
  2. Prelude
  3. Baby I’m A Singer
  4. Baptised At The Desktop Computer
  5. Sleep Alone
  6. Greatest Peace
  7. Honey Babe
  8. I’m Not Afraid To Die
  9. The Year Of The Dog
  10. Good Girl

Fables setlist:

  1. Tired Of Changes
  2. My Home Is Not My Address
  3. Times Before
  4. Someone I Know
  5. Minibar
  6. Kiss Me
  7. Notebook
  8. Enough
  9. All Is Not Well