In Defence – Whammy! (Concert Review)

Walking down Krd on a Thursday night is like walking through the worst of the 90s, bad clothes, bad facial hair and push bikes everywhere, I finally get to the blissful dank of Whammy bar. It’s pretty empty, as to be expected with a Thursday in Auckland, but disappointing all the same. By nine there’s about 15 people, most of them in the impressive line up. Mores the pity, because the first band, Slitzkrieg ( ) are fucking brilliant. Strong Vox, both from the frontman (kudos dude for getting off the stage and amongst it, working up the crowd), but also from the two fierce women on Bass and Gat. There’s a wicked crust vibe, and we could always do with more female crust; globally, let alone locally! Strangely enough, Slitzkrieg brung to mind that brilliant classic band D.I.R.T., but with a few surprising psychedelic riffs. I was shocked I had never seen or heard of this band, but then discovered they were from the wastelands in the south. Please come again kids, and if they do, people, really make the effort and turn up!

Second up was Bloodfvkk ( ) featuring members of wicked black metal locals Exordiom Mors, and they definitely brought the down and dirty black metal vibe with their Grind. Great fun as always, again deserving of a bigger crowd. I’ll be honest, the only problem with this gig; multiple international bands (including from Dunedin, that may as well be another country) for only $15; that is AMAZING. Yet there were still motherfuckers trying to scam their way in (sorry for shouting), and there really wasn’t the massive crowd I expected. By ten the crowd was looking a wee better, but AK, PLEASE remember the changes to Liquor Licensing Laws mean this is the new Whammy; if you don’t turn up in time you’re going to miss half the bands. And also miss the appearance of YellaWolf (?) and his posse, who are apparently quite famous? Anyway, everyone put on a fucking amazing show, and that’s despite some really shitty luck. So back too it; next up was Auckland regulars Master Blaster ( )playing their good old fashioned dank Hardcore Punk; a eclectic mix of bands and genre and sounds tonight, and that’s the theme of Master Blaster, hard to pin down and makes you want to get up and dance.

Next up was Melbourne Death/Grind band DrainLife ( ) who (super super oddly) had something of a SoCal Surf punk Buzz Melvin vibe, perhaps it was the frock, perhaps it was the hair, but whatever it was I really fucking dug it. Which is a shock to both me and those who know me. I think it was the brutality (and anyone wearing nothing but a too small frock (with a very raunchy and crowd pleasing slit up the back) in the Whammy bar (bare feet and all) is brutal as fuck); but perhaps it was the screams of “Get some fucking STIs up ya!”. Sludgey stoner steeped in thrash, I still don’t know what to make of them apart from they’re fucking rad and interestingly schizophrenic, they risk becoming discordant but step back at the last minute with the killer talent.

Watching Ben Crew tape a shirt to a support beam in lieu of a back banner seems to amuse the crowd, and that’s just the beginning; Crew is a brilliant, engaging and amusing frontman, and In Defence ( ) are a talented bunch. Again with the bare feet; I dunno man, these foreigners seem to play fast and loose with their lives! Sadly it was past the last bus time, which meant the small crowd had dwindled even more… More fool them, because I promise you, the set was worth every fucking cent of the 50 buck taxi ride home. ID are fucking brutal; thrash at heart, but highly technical; and so much fun (A TACO IS BETTER THAN A PIZZA) with Crew starting a much needed pit, stripping and swapping trousers with crowd members. Yet again (broken record I know; I warned you it was the theme of the night) Its a strange mix of a band; Ginger Beardy looks like he should be in Blues Pills(He also does a scary good Smegol impression), Jimmy in fucking Goatwhore or something, Blondie in some kinda fun pop pun band (sorry, I can’t think of any pop punk band names that wouldn’t be horribly insulting, and blondie was a sweet as a kitten), the Drummer in his harness thing in Limp Wrist and Crew in some NY old school hardcore band (what’s with the stage accent dude! ). It shouldn’t work, but it totally fucking does. What’s more, these guys are super rad. They are giving their ALL, playing to a handful of people in a basement with carpet on the ceiling like its a stadium full of superfans. I’m so impressed. So please, Hamilton and Wellington, if you have the chance to make it tonight or tomorrow; PLEASE do. You will NOT regret it. One of the fun-est shows I’ve been to, and ALL the bands last night deserve a massive crowd.

Tove Partington
