Album Review: The Antlers – Green To Gold (Anti-)
If you’re waiting for The Antlers’ Green To Gold, to rock out, well don’t.
It is one the most beautiful and gentle albums I’ve heard in years.
The album opens with Strawflower, a gentle lullaby which grows in textures after the opening swirling keyboards are joined by guitars, drums, percussion and bass. The resulting tune shows the composer has more chops than The Mad Butcher.
In song two, Wheels Roll Home, we hear Peter Silberman’s voice for the first time on the album. His clear tenor cuts through and is beautifully placed on the mix. Even though I’m only on the second song, its evident Silberman and band mate Michael Lemer write music incredibly well.
In the third song Solstice we can hear that Peter Silberman has a mean as falsetto in his vocal arsenal.
Track four Stubborn Man is another gentle banger.
A couple of songs later there’s It Is What It Is, which is a stand out gem amongst a sea of stellar songs.
The hype notes for the release say the title track, like others on the NYC duo’s first album in 7 years, Green To Gold, stem from conversations with friends of his partner.
On repeated listens the sheer beauty of this album becomes more apparent.
Guess I gotta check out The Antlers’ back catalogue now.
Darryl Baser