City Newton Bombers – Double Whammy: January 4, 2025

City Newton Bombers regrouped for the first time in 6 years at Double Whammy. The occasion was a fundraiser for bass player Simon Nicholls and the 13th Floor’s Simon Coffey and Brenna Jo Gotje were on the scene catching all the action at this first show of the new year.

A Clash, not The Clash, two worthy gigs on the same night, at the trickiest part of the year, when many are holidaying out yonder. With the two shows: Labretta Suede And The Motel 6 – 20th Anniversary Album Release Tour @ The Mothership versus City Newton Bombers – Back For The First Time In 6 Years!! @ Whammy on the same night, and the venues far too distant to shuffle between, a choice had to be made,

It was hard, but the clincher was the fact that the City Newton Bombers show had duality as a fundraiser for C.N.B and HLAH bassist Simon Nicholls in his personal battle with cancer. Tonight is about celebrating Simon’s legacy in bands from his (and many of the audiences) past as he strapped on his bass and was the constant member through all band iterations on stage tonight

The night promised notaries, luminaries in fact from The D4, Head Like A Hole, AnigmA (the legendary speed metal band that opened for Metallica (before they sucked)) and more. So for those of us estranged from whanau, an essential worker, or just crap at organising holidays, it was a welcome distraction from Kirihimete leftovers and Netflix bingeing.

Up first is a Caraazzzy guy in a hat doing Hendrix style riffing… (rather well)

Luger Boa

Tonight’s version of the The D4 hiatus band fronted by Jimmy Christmas that shined brightly between 2008 and 2014, are slimmed down to a three piece. On stage first, in a rapidly filling room, the trio delivered a half dozen waiata of punky energized pop, via  loud guitars, driving rhythms and mammoth melodic choruses. Jimmy’s sharing of Simon’s drunky punky escapade in Tokyo and array of nicknames brought mirth and humanity to the spectacle.


To be honest, this was the act I was most enamoured with tonight. Of an age whence I saw the band in all its versions in the late 80’s until their break up in 1991, I was anticipatory as to how they would sound after only tahi practice. AnigmA were at the forefront of the melding of punk and metal, and at the age of 18, they delivered thrash metal to audiences in hall and bars throughout Tamaki Makaurau.

Again, in a set of about five or six songs, with a guest guitarist, Simon Nicholls alongside longtime compadre in crime Dave Goodson, they re lived their chaotic youth, as they delivered polished thrash and speed metal songs about Satan, Judge Death, Serial Killers and skating, much to Dave’s mirth as he sang lyrics from memory and ipad

There was the obligatory shout out to original vocalist Jeff Wright, a cover of FEAR’s More Beer, and much mana voiced post-show about guest guitarist shredding ability, which even Dave was one to praise onstage. Even better than the real thing, perhaps a 2026 reunion show?

City Newton Bombers

The bands ‘CNB’ bomb tattoo is represented onstage, As is their namesake, they formed in Newton, and tonight with the original line up of Mat Rew (Vocals), Dave Goodison (Guitar/Vocals), Si Nicholls (Bass/Vocal) and Earl Robertson (Drums/Vocals), plus a quest guitarist, who appeared and disappeared onstage variously.

In a packed room, City Newton Bombers launched into their version of The Clash’s Guns of Brixton, aptly renamed Guns of Newton much to the audiences delight, whilst the age median was closer to 50, there was a smattering of 20 somethings that mostly dominated the stage front.

Through a tekau song set, for a band that also had had only one practice, they offered and presented their own version of Punk, in a synthesis of Clash meets Fear style. With an occasional element of funk and white boy punk, the group offered CNB classic’s like Damascus, Not My Lie and New Boyfriend (all from their 2006 album). Mat Rew battled to keep the energy levels up, as well as his vocal hi-tones, and achieved both, until yet another FEAR cover reared its head, with City Newton Bombers finishing on a stonking version of I Love Living In the City.

At set’s end Simon Nicholls warned all about the upcoming Party band, which was to be his fourth performance on stage this night. So far he had looked like he was having the time of his life, his infectious smile on show through each bout. No review for the Party Band, those memories are for those that attended.

Footnote: To be pedantic, the order of bands is purposefully out of kilter tonight as, (mostly) Simon’s bass playing whakapapa should/could/might actually read AnigmA / Rumblefish / Evilis / City Newton Bombers / Luger Boa / The Bombers / HLAH, however, for the sake of tonight being a City Newton Bombers show, concessions were made. A great night. Haere tū atu, hoki tū mai Si.

Simon Coffey

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