Concert Review: Melanie – UFO January 21, 2021

No, this ain’t the Lay Down/Brand New Key Melanie who performed at Woodstock. This Melanie is a four-piece band of ratbag punk rockers from Glendene who play loud, fast and hard.

You never know what you’re going to run into when you’re walking the streets of West Auckland. Here we are, its 7pm on a Thursday night, and I’m expecting to meet my buddy Ricardo at a nearby pub before checking out Melanie at UFO which is “Liquor-free”.

As I arrive, I see Rich who leads me to his car where two women are in the back seat.

I get it!

In true Westie fashion, it’s time to pre-load. Wine and beer is poured and drunk, introductions are made. Meanwhile much younger folks are seen making their way to UFO with bottles, cans etc in hand.

Now I understand way these folks, who I find myself in a parked car on a side road in New Lynn, are so keen on Melanie…one of them is the singer’s mum!

I love it!!!

So, duly lubricated, we wander over to UFO where a crowd has gathered on the tiny cul de sac waiting to be let in.

The kids are covered in tats, wearing ripped clothes and in a general good mood. They don’t seem to mind that a quartet of 1000-year old adults has invaded their sacred space. In fact, we are welcomed.

Truth be told, I’ve been to UFO several times before, but in the distant past. It hasn’t changed a bit. Records and posters everywhere…a real rock & roll vibe.

We all squeeze in and the four members of Melanie take the stage precisely at 7:30pm.

Mum is thrilled.

The band rip into their set and the audience becomes a sea of sweaty bodies. There is crowd surfing, there is moshing but everyone is cool and no one is hurt.

I’m pretty sure there was a song dedicated to Mum…after all two of them are brothers.

30 minutes later it’s all over. What a way to spend a “quiet evening” in the burbs!

For the record, Melanie is:

William Dentice – Bass, James Dentice – Vocals/Guitar, Robin Davey Lusk – Guitar, Joe Gasparich – Drums

Marty Duda

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