Concert Review: Miss June – Whammy Bar August 2, 2019

As a precursor to their upcoming album release show at Galatos, Miss June gave the sold out crowd at Whammy a good look at what to expect on Bad Luck Party.

The Auckland-based four-piece has been on a world tour, performing in the UK and the US after signing to French Kiss Records, and the time on the road has served them well.

And lucky for them because opening band Cindy looked to give the headliners a run for their money.

Fronted by former DHDFDs singer Scott Brown, Cindy took no prisoners during their short time on stage. Brown is notorious for his antics, having been banned from some venues. The only damage he did tonight was to himself.

Halfway through the set he had a very visible cut on his forehead, blood dripping into his eyes. I’m not sure if the wound was self-inflicted or not, but then, in an Iggy-inspired fury, I did see him slashing at his bare-chested torso, and there was more blood.

Brown seemed unfazed…in fact he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself as the band rocked on around him.

It was quite an act to follow, but Miss June are at the top of their game.

Armed with newly-recorded songs such as Two Hits and Scorpio, the antics of Cindy were soon forgotten and all eyes were on frontwoman Annabel Liddell as she commanded the stage with her simmering presence.

The band was clearly firing on all cylinders with bass player Chris Marshall howling happily into his mic as drummer Tom Leggett (also of Wax Chattels) bashing away furiously.

Guitarist Jun Park did his park to make this a memorable show, at one point throwing himself into the crowd during Aquarium.

Somehow he survived and the short, sharp set wrapped up with Polio.

An encore was definitely in order, and the quartet reached back to a couple of oldies from their Matriarchy EP…Clyde and Drool.

But most of the set consisted of tunes from Bad Luck Party…with one tune, I think titled No Time To Tell, possibly unrecorded.

If you didn’t make it down to Whammy last night, let this be a lesson and be sure you catch the band as they play their album release shows in September.

There is a very good chance that Miss June is the best band in the country at the moment.

Marty Duda

Click any image to view a gallery of photos of each artist by Chris Zwaagdyk:

Miss June



Miss June set list:

  1. Two Hits
  2. Scorpio
  3. Best Girl
  4. Matriarchy
  5. Please Waste My Time
  6. Enemies
  7. Orchid
  8. No Time To Tell
  9. Twitch
  10. Aquarium
  11. Polio
  12. Clyde
  13. Drool