Dum Dum Girls Disappoint

The Dum Dum Girls performed at Auckland’s Kings Arms this Friday night. Having been a big fan of their second album, Only In Dreams, I was looking forward to the show. Unfortunately, the band did not live up to expectations. Lead singer and guitarist  Kristen Gundred, aka Dee Dee’s, vocals were buried in the mix, awash in a sea of reverb, making them virtually inaudible. Also, the band had virtually no interaction with the audience, leaving the stage with a rather impersonal vibe. This was bass player Bambi’s last show with the band, and the girls were obviously overcome with emotion when they played the last song of the evening. Too bad some of that emotion didn’t come through during the rest of the set.  The short review…they looked much better than they sounded.

Here are the Dum Dum Girls  performing In My Head at the Kings Arms: [wpvideo i7uLqOsc]