Dungeon #19 featuring Bloodbags, Cut Shapez & Lipstick Cherry @ Whammy bar 12/9/24
Dungeon #19!…the folk behind the Dungeon series of gigs are an unflagging group of people. Their passion for the local scene, the upcoming and the just starting out bands is to be looked on with favour. Long may they survive the Luxton fermented recession that is emblazoned like a malaise upon our fair land.
Lipstick Cherry
Not quite a girl band from Tāmaki Makaurau, there’s a guy. Onstage (half an hour late) Just the three of them, bass (the guy, a guy from Ratso) drums and Vocalist.
As a three 3 piece, Kara (vocalist) starts off with a kind of Incantation, which is kind of cool, which leads into a simplistic tune that did meander a little. But…
There is change onstage. As instruments are swapped and an extra body encamps. Now they have two guitarists, as Kara takes on bass duties as well. So now the band displays its true colours, as the name inferences, that New York Dolls/Ramones sound, that New York 74 protopunk sound, comes hither.
Through a set where vox are shared amongst the women, a mixture of covers and originals are delivered: Kiss’s Parasite, L7’s Shitlist are some of the several. An original, nameless (or I just didn’t hear) featured rather cool bass rhythms and harmonic lead guitar. Dominant singer Kara has a voice, a little immature, but potential is there, yet to be developed.
A band still in inception,, even though they’ve been around for at least a year. Lipstick Cherry have already seen a membership change, where they could go is dependent on their schtick, whether they stick at it… It’s band 101ism.
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Blood Bags
Epic to hear them through a full(er) PA with a master (Mark P) commanding the sound desk (clearer vocals, louder bass, and that drum sound! ) Jackhammer Junk Punk Rock that swings. Crowd favourite. I’ve talked them up many times before. All deserved. Punk Rock Gods.
Cut Shapez
“Bet you weren’t expecting that” (after their first song) “We are about to break up”… “I thought we were going on hiatus” … “We couldn’t be fucked sound checking…”
It’s… It’s.. They sound like… Yeah… That song about Palestine is pretty cool.
It’s loud, heavy, mean, melodic, metal, thrash, punk, extenuated by the vocalist switching between thrash and harmony vocal styles. Their endearing feature is their tightness, Cut Shapez’s delivery is on point, they know each other’s musicianship/style so well. A delight to view.
I think Cut Shapez lied about breaking up, but then again I could forever skite about being at the last gig.
Dungeon #20 is coming, I’m sure, clear the date in your diary and be there, did I mention they are free to dwell and pose at?
Simon Coffey