East York – To Kill The Sun: Video Premiere!

Heavy rock/alt-metal band East York have today released their video for ‘To Kill The Sun’.

East YorkMade entirely by the band themselves using behind-the-scenes footage from the studio, with wives and girlfriends chipping in behind the camera, and edited by the group’s vocalist Tarquin Keys – it shows the group fully in their element.

“There are essentially two elements in the video, black and white studio footage which we shot in Melbourne during the recording sessions for our EP. And then the performance footage which was shot individually across three cities in two countries as, once again, we found ourselves separated due to lockdowns,” says Daz Coppins (East York’s guitarist).

“By bringing it all together in this video, it feels like a celebration and despite us not being in the same room… you can clearly pick up on individual energies and see the unison in the magic we’ve created together.”

East YorkThe video follows on from the release of their single ‘To Kill The Sun’ – a song about the challenges we face as humans.

“Think of the sun as your inner light, your super power… When you break it down, we can’t kill the sun, it’s an impossible task. So through overcoming adversity and realising that at the end of the day no one can extinguish your light. There is power in that. In the video you get to see us as people, completely in our element and sharing our light with the world. Imagine when you see us together on stage, bring your sunnies!”

The video takes the band in a opposite direction from their last video ‘Circus’, which had a higher budget. ‘To Kill The Sun’ shows the DIY foundation of the band and more insight into their journey so far.

“If you look closely, you may even spot a certain high profile NZ drummer and very special human at work in the studio with us, needless to say, Shihad are one of our favourite NZ bands and we are so blessed to have Mr Tom Larkin involved in the production of this track.”

With previous singles ‘Outsiders’, ‘Circus’ and ‘Damned Anthem’ already released from their upcoming debut EP ORIGINS (to be released January 21, 2022), New Zealand will get the chance to see East York perform the EP live in February 2022, with dates scheduled for Wellington, Napier, Tauranga and Auckland.

The upcoming tour will see the band return to play on home soil, with two members hailing from the Bay of Plenty (Daz Coppins, Tarquin Keys) and one from Palmerston North (Zane Rosanoski). The band now split their time between Aotearoa and Australia, with members Tarquin Keys, Zane Rosanoski and Eric Boucher (originally from Toronto, Canada) now based in Melbourne; and Daz Coppins residing in Hawkes Bay.

When it comes to listening to today’s release and preparing for the upcoming tour, East York say “Turn it UP! In your car, in your headphones…it was produced to play loud!”

East York – ORIGINS EP release tour 2022
with special guests Pull Down The Sun and

Friday February 4, 2022 – San Fran, Wellington

Saturday February 5, 2022 – Paisley Stage, Napier

Friday February 11, 2022 – Totara St, Tauranga

Saturday February 12, 20222 – Ding Dong, Auckland

Tickets for Wellington, Napier, Auckland here

Tickets for Tauranga here


Early Bird – $15 + bf

General Admission – $20 + bf

Door Sales (If available) – $25 + bf



Find East York:
Spotify / Facebook / Instagram / YouTube