Fur Patrol’s PledgeMe Campaign for Pet is Nearly There

The PledgeMe campaign launched by chart topping kiwi rock band Fur Patrol is so close to meeting the target they can smell it!

Currently at 87% of the total minimum goal, with just over 4 days to go the band have just released a raft of new rewards to celebrate and handsomely compensate generous pledgers.
Including!! Handwritten lyrics; bonus vinyl copies of their second album “Collider”; and even a mentoring session with a certain songwriter herself!

PET – which has never been available on vinyl before – spent a total of 30 weeks in the NZ Top 40 chart and includes some of Aotearoa’s best known singles such as, Now, Holy, Andrew and of course Lydia.

Having been out of circulation for almost as long as it’s been released, having the iconic PET pressed onto vinyl is a dream not only for the band but for the dedicated pledgers who are lining up to own this iconic LP on plastic.

For more information on how to donate and the full list of amazing rewards available for pledgers who choose to donate their hard earned cash, see the campaign here.