Grace Kelly – She Walks: New Song Of The Day

Grace Kelly springs this new tune on us. It’s She Walks and its guaranteed to put a spring in your step.

Spring is indeed in the air and here comes Grace Kelly with new music to suit the season. And here’s the blurb with details:

Grace KellyDespite all the false starts and rescheduled plans that go hand in hand with these COVID times, talented Auckland singer-songwriter Grace Kelly tenaciously continues to forge ahead with her musical journey, releasing fresh music and hitting the road to play live when, and where, possible.

After completing a short run of solo shows in June, Kelly felt inspired to write a new song, this time indulging her other musical influences outside of country. The result is the upbeat pop-country bounce of her latest single ‘She Walks’, produced by herself and Ryan Cruickshank, with the help of Alex Corbett at Roundhead Studios.

Kelly describes ’She Walks’ as a song to “make you feel your most ‘girl boss’ self”, adding that for her, it also reflects how much she has grown musically and changed in attitude over the years.

Grace Kelly“I’m lucky to have worked with some amazing people in the past, but I was a kid not wanting to get in the way, or give input when I knew I wasn’t the most knowledgeable one in the room. With ‘She Walks’, I was much more involved in the production of the song – a result of spending the last 4 years in studios! This song has allowed me to show what I’ve learnt over the past few years, and to be able to articulate it in a studio setting”, says Kelly.

“It has been so exciting to produce, write, and record this one. I’m so extremely grateful for the support of NZ On Air with this song, it’s a great little boost of confidence knowing industry professionals believe in you.”

It’s not been a smooth running and seamless approach for this young and talented singer to get her music out there, but the spirit is strong in Kelly and she has proven that she has the sass to stick to her path and carve out her own trajectory accordingly. For now, Kelly harnesses all that is good in the world, and looks forward to the future – COVID or not!