Holly Arrowsmith – Blue Dreams (Leather Jacket Records)

Holly Arrowsmith albums come to us at a snail’s pace. This is Holly’s third long player…that’s three albums since her debut back in 2015.

Like most good things, they are worth waiting for.

Holly, like Reb Fountain and Tami Neilson, is a transplanted North American, born in Sante Fe, New Mexico and raised on the South Island of New Zealand…Queenstown, to be precise.

And like Reb and Tami, Holly’s music has evolved over the years, although maybe no so dramatically as her compatriots.

Blue Dreams…the title evokes a long, lost Chris Isaak song…is Holly’s Americana opus…at least that’s what her PR tells me.

What it is, is a collection of 10 beautifully crafted songs written, performed and produced by a group of talented artists led by Arrowsmith and producer Tom Healy (Marlon Williams/Bic Runga)

Recorded at Auckland’s Lab Studio, the team is made up of a handful of New Zealand’s finest…Cass Basil (bass), Alex Freer (drums) and Anita Clark (strings) while Arrowsmith and Healy play guitars, synths, dobro, pedal steel and keys.

Again, referring to the press notes, it’s an album of two halves, side one being described as “energized and driven”, while side 2 is “stripped back alt country” aka classic acoustic folk rock inspired by the likes of Neil Young and Joni Mitchell.

Ok, so no earth-shattering revelations there. The first 5 songs do indeed rock out a bit more that Holly’s previous output. Opener Neon Bright is just that, bright, upbeat and cheery…not bad for a self-professed “disillusioned dreamer”.

The produced is fuller than past efforts but still rather sparse…a synth line here, a piano couplet there.

Something Small finds Holly at her dream-pop best, while Side one closer, Red Lit Room rocks along with a propulsive beat and some nifty guitar licks.

Side two does indeed feel a bit mellower. Title track, Blue Dreams has a Cat Stevens, Tea For The Tillman vibe and Womb Of Venus finds Holly wandering into Joni Mitchell territory by way of Nadia Reid.

Comparisons, aside, overall the album feels a well-thought out whole. My personal favourite is Night Flight featuring an understated piano figure and keen observational lyrics. Bobby Gentry comes to mind.

I’m sure your find your own favourite, so give these ten tunes a spin and enjoy the ride.

Marty Duda

Blue Dreams is available on vinyl and CD at all good record stores and globally via all streaming platforms on Friday 26 July 2024.