Love Square XL – Whammy Bar: July 11, 2024

Love Square is a band formed by Nick Atkinson and Finn Scholes back in 2021 along with drummer Karen Hu. These days Alistair Deverick is the drummer…but not on this occasion.

Unfortunately Alistair has pulled up lame at the last minute,  fortunately Nick and Finn had planned to feature Chris O’Connor (Phoenix Foundation) as percussionist. Now, at the last minute, Chris takes over the drummer’s stool and all is well.

Also on board tonight is vocalist Sandy Mill…hence the ‘XL’ version of the band. Sandy has her own record out…available at the merch table…along with Love Square’s CD.

It’s another cold, dark, wintery Thursday night in Auckland…a combination that, these days, seems perfect for live music bliss. And the early start time of 6:30 makes this show all the more appealing…we’ll be out of here by 8:30, early enough to catch another gig, or snuggle under a warm blanket at home.

Sure enough, fans begin to accumulate and music begins the fill the air at Whammy shortly after 6:30. It’s the sound of Nick Atkinson (Hopetoun Brown) tickling the electronic ivories, playing something called “Nick’s New Piano Song”…at least that’s what it says on the set list. Soon, Finn Scholes (Carnivorous Plant Society) joins in on trumpet and off we go.

Nick acts as emcee, greets the crowd, introduces Chris O’Connor and takes up his sax and the trio launch into the jazz/funk of The Tunnel, O’Connor opting to shed his coat of many colours and get down to business behind his kit.

From there Atkinson apologizes for Deverick’s absence…we wish him well…and notes that tonight; “the time is the star of the show”. Obviously, the early start time suits them.

Those who caught Love Square when they performed at Verona a few weeks earlier during the K Road Block Party, know that this band can really cook when they want to and they had the very crowded bar, that night all dancing to their soulful grooves.

Tonight, the vibe is more laid back, the crowd here to listen more than move. And that’s fine, as there’s plenty to listen to.

The two sets feature a good sampling of originals from the Love Square Sessions album along with choice covers by the likes of Mulatu Astatke, Kraftwerk and Simon & Garfunkel.

Sandy Mill joins in for the final three songs of the first set and sings her own Giftbox along with a crowd-pleasing Maxine, the Sharon O’Neill hit from 1983.

Love SQuare

Sandy’s back at the start of set two for a surprising performance of The Pusher, the Hoyt Axton song made famous by Steppenwolf on the Easy Rider soundtrack.

I didn’t see that one coming!

The band’s version of Kraftwerk’s Das Model is very cool and then Sandy, along with percussionist Carlos Reigel closed things out with Nick’s Where Does It Go and Julien Dyne’s Layer.

“Nice to meet you Carlos”, says Sandy as the two musicians jam for the first time.

It almost goes without saying that both Finn and Nick play their hearts out throughout the evening…how on earth can Finn play what seems to be three instruments at once?

And having Chris O’Connor sit in was a treat for all concerned.

So, well done, one and all. Let’s see what next Thursday brings.

Marty Duda

Click on any image to see a photo gallery by Chris Zwaagdyk:


Set 1:

  1. Nick’s New Piano Song
  2. The Tunnel
  3. Yerkermo Sew
  4. El Pero
  5. Bob Dylan
  6. Washing Song
  7. Gilfbox
  8. Fruit Truck
  9. Maxine

Set 2:

  1. The Pusher
  2. Sondio Amazonia
  3. Take Me Away
  4. El Condor Pasa
  5. Das Model
  6. Where Does It Go
  7. Layer