New Song Of The Day: The Joy Formidable – Into The Blue

Here’s a brand new tune from Welsh band The Joy Formidable…it’s Into The Blue.

Its the band’s first new music since 2018 and its sounding sweet. Here’s what vocalist Ritzy Bryan had to say about it:

The Joy FormidableIn a statement, Bryan said the new song was about “surrendering to love and magic” and “having the courage to enjoy a new journey and the mystery and excitement of something unexpected. It’s about opening your eyes to beauty and love again,” she continued. “Making it to the other side. Whilst not conceived as a metaphor for the times we all live in now, it certainly turned out that way.”

The Joy FormidableI was talking to a friend this morning about the new album that we’ll soon be sharing. When you’re completely immersed in something, it fills you and empties you, but then (hopefully) takes you to a better place than when you started. That’s really been the power of this record for me. I think we’ve all been through something together in 2020, a year that will be on record & cited for many years to come. I hope it transforms us into better versions of ourselves.

Into the Blue for me feels like paddling out of the shallows, wading into deeper clearer water. It’s a bit scary because you can’t see or feel the bottom but it’s beautiful to let go, let your mind be still & open.


Cariad X