NZ Opera Presents The Marriage of Figaro

NZ Opera’s new production of Mozart’s great comic opera The Marriage of Figaro continues a journey of transformation for the Company, re-imagining what opera means for Aotearoa. 

The Marriage of FigaroWhile the same beloved story is being presented, the female-led creative team will bring a fresh perspective to a classic story. Strong female characters deliver a message that is every bit as relevant today as it was when it premiered in Vienna in 1786.

The Marriage of Figaro will run from 8 June to 13 July in three cities: Auckland (8-13 June, Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre, Aotea Centre), Wellington (23-27 June, The Opera House) and Christchurch (8-13 July, Isaac Theatre Royal).

Director Lindy Hume, who has created more than 50 major productions across Australasia, Europe and the United States, explores the flawed humanity of the opera’s characters and challenges established norms. ‘Ingenious Greek maestro’ Zoe Zeniodi, who has performed in venues such as Carnegie Hall, will conduct the opera in all three cities with Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchestra Wellington and Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.

One of New Zealand’s leading scenographers of opera, ballet and theatre, Tracy Grant Lord, will apply her innovative ideas to the set and costume design. Eleanor Bishop continues to develop her opera experience, working as the Assistant Director to Lindy. Eleanor is this year’s Friedlander Foundation Associate Artist and will undergo training as part of a specially tailored apprenticeship.

New Zealand Opera’s General Director Thomas de Mallet Burgess says this new presentation of The Marriage of Figaro will be notable in several respects. “Our 2021 season includes many productions, including full-scale operas, with a focus on making opera more accessible to a wider audience.

“This team of leading creatives explore feminist ideas in this opera that was composed and first staged during the Enlightenment. Mozart certainly had an interest in the role of women in society, and women drive the narrative of this opera. Ideas about knowledge, reason, liberty, progress and tolerance are being presented to 21st century audiences in the form of a captivating and richly comic story. I hope the opera will be a catalyst for conversation about women directors, designers and conductors in opera.”

The Marriage of Figaro features a world-class cast with Baritone John Moore, Soprano Emma Pearson, Bass-Baritone Richard Ollarsaba and Soprano Joanna Foote bringing their internationally recognised talent and skills to the roles of Count, Countess, Figaro and Susanna respectively.

Ahead of the opera’s opening on 8 June, NZ Opera is holding an open day on 22 May at the Auckland-based NZ Opera Centre, where the public is invited to observe rehearsals and see first-hand how an opera comes together. This is a free event.

About the production:
What: NZ Opera presents The Marriage of Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro)
When: 8 June to 13 July 2021
Where: Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch (see for bookings and further details)
Duration: The performance is 3 hours long with a 20-minute interval
Surtitles:  The opera is sung in the original Italian with English surtitles
Composed by: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto by: Lorenzo Da Ponte

For more information:
About The Marriage of Figaro

Mozart’s and Da Ponte’s opera The Marriage of Figaro is one of the most popular and enduring operas ever written. Composed only three years before the French Revolution, Mozart takes a play (of the same title by Beaumarchais) that had been banned on account of its implied subversion of the established order. It removes much of the overtly political material, and then deftly weaves an opera in which the women drive the narrative, culminating in aristocrat and servant swapping clothes.

Mozart achieves revolutionary statements on multiple levels, much in keeping with Enlightenment ideas about the role of women and men in society and politics. The opera ends with a statement of compassion and forgiveness much needed at the start of this century.

New Zealand Opera has invited director Lindy Hume to create a new production that explores feminist ideas in Mozart’s opera. It is part of a series that has preoccupied her artistic practice in recent years. Zoe Zeniodi will conduct the opera, Eleanor Bishop will assistant direct, and Tracy Grant Lord is the designer. It is anticipated this team will explore Figaro’s potent politics in the rehearsal room. And the opera will be a catalyst for conversation about women directors and conductors in opera.

The production will play in its original language (Italian) with English surtitles. The opera will feature the Freemasons New Zealand Opera Chorus in each centre, along with Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchestra Wellington and Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.