Review of Hotel California by the Eagles on RadioLIVE
Each Monday night, founder of The 13thFloor, Marty Duda, is a guest on RadioLIVE to share and chat about classic albums from the past.
On this occasion, Marty and Mitch Harris check out the 1976 album Hotel California by the Eagles, where the title track continues to be one of the most loved songs on the planet.
Some of the tracks played over the air include:
- Life in the Fast Lane
- Try and Love Again
- Victim of Love
- New Kid in Town
- Pretty Maids All in a Row
- Hotel California
Here is a link to the album review of the Eagles’ Hotel California from 1976 reviewed live on May 07 2018:—carly-simon-album–no-secrets–from-1972.html
Previous sessions of the Classic Album Review can also be found at
You can catch Marty live in the studio with Mitch Harris on RadioLIVE every Monday night after the 10pm news. (except for Public Holidays)