Slothrust – Parallel Timeline, a veiled mystique that’s about to explode: Album Review
Slothrust – Parallel Timeline – (Dangerbird Records)
Alt-rock band Slothrust’s fifth album Parallel Timeline is finally getting noticed beyond their Boston hometown. Bandleader and songwriter Leah Wellbaum explores themes of contradiction, mirrors – the intersection between science, the whimsical and the inexplicable spaces in between.
“Educated musicians all with backgrounds in classical, jazz and blues, the band’s newest work once again sees Slothrust leaning into improvisation — something that in the past has lent itself to the infectious energy of their live shows. Parallel Timeline, mixed by industry legend Billy Bush and mastered by Heba Kadry is a masterclass in balancing tenderness with the fierce guitar work Leah has become known for. With a distinct yet unified sound that blends progressive rock, acoustic and pop, Slothrust has never been more confident.”
Coupled with the band’s newly added sonics, mean guitar riffs and haunting vocals, Dangerbird Records assisted in the production of this stella compilation. Consisting of 10 varied tracks it’s a class act that is palatable as both a background soundtrack and a booming rhythmic dance party. Wellbaum has a hypnotic cursive voice, every track rhythmic, swaying lullabiblicaly. She herself admits that this album is the product of a spiritual journey- the Dark vs the Light.
Cranium introduces the listener to metaphors suggestive of both food. the mind and hunger. Beginning slowly with a pop/rock fusion it then hits the spot with the deep bass rock sound.
Once More For The Ocean picks up pace followed by Courtesy, honest lyrically, begs to be heard. Track Four: The Next Curse featuring Lily Hale begins slowly and as the pace begins to pump pure electric rock the sound builds, suddenly stops – then begins again with spoken lyrics and returns ending sharply to a crescendo of screaming metal.
A Giant Swallow (conceived during Covid lockdown) begins with a fun pop sound and despite the darker lyrics, still has a comforting rhythm that is the signature sound of Slothrust.
It took me until the second run through of Parallel Timeline for the album to grab me. The more I listened the more captivated I became. It’s one of those rare and about to become timeless LPs.
Every track, much like the band, mirrors or contradicts the track before. The order in which these have been laid down has a specific purpose and the album has definitively joined my (albeit eclectic) favourites list.
I am excited to hear where Slothrust goes next. Nothing sloth-like or rusty about them. That they have persevered through four previous albums along with their small, almost cult-like local following suggests a veiled mystique that’s about to explode internationally… a must have album for youth through to old rockers, have a listen (twice through) and make up your own mind.
Megan Kemplay
Marty Duda interviewed Slothrust’s Leah Wellbaum about making Parallel Timeline. Watch it HERE.