Vera Ellen – It’s Your Birthday (Flying Nun): Album Review
Vera Ellen debuts on Flying Nun with It’s Your Birthday, but this far from her first release.
For those paying attention, the Wellingtonian has made a previous solo album, 2018’s Beat Yr Name and recorded with a least two bands…NZ’s Maple Syrup and LA’s Girl Friday.
All that experience pays off with the 25-year old’s latest.
Clearly influence by punk…Patti Smith in particular…and 90s Riot Grrrl bands, Vera sounds here like she has finally settled on her musical identity.
The album (thank you Flying Nun for the vinyl) begins with a wobbly drone and some Patti-like mutterings called Always Always that then morphs into Telegram 2 and off we go!
“I wanna spend my life running around gardens knee deep in garbage with you”.
Driven by a simple drum beat courtesy of Samuel Austin and a roller-rink organ line (played by Vera) this ramshackle rocker sets the tone for the following 11 tracks.
Vera’s vocals are assured and full of attitude and she’s got the lyrics to back it up.
Yuppie Farm features a dreamy vocal as Ellen recalls serving coffee to the Yuppies of LA. Warren Z would be proud.
You! And Crack The Whip rock like nobody’s business both addressing the usual relationship troubles in somewhat unusual ways…”you hated me for many reasons…we love each other”
Wisely it’s not all fire and fury.
Its Good Its Simple practically writes its own review with its title.
Then, flip the record over and, as most great side twos start, its one of the album’s finest tunes…I Want 2 B Boy. “I got flowers in my veins, staples in my womb”, gender confusion can be a bitch. But it makes for great rock & roll (ask Little Richard).
Speaking of flowers, they seem to be a recurring theme…there’s The Language Of Flowers and then things get darker with Stuck With Me…”throw your flowers in the rubbish, you don’t have to be stuck with me no more, Vera snarls. If the message isn’t clear well.. “get the fuck out the door!”
There plenty more to Vera Ellen that three chords and a rant. Recorded mostly at home Vera does get help for a variety of choice and diverse musicians…Ben Lemi (bass), sax player Neill Duncan, drummer Samuel Austin, string man John Ratuszny + Steve Roche, Albert River, David Long and producer Mark Austin.
Its an impressive debut for the veteran Kiwi rocker.
I’m assuming Girl Friday will be a going concern once COVID relents, but let’s all hope that Vera Ellen doesn’t lose sight of the musical path she has taken with this very fine solo effort.
Marty Duda
Click here to purchase Vera Ellen – It’s Your Birthday