Carnivorous Plant Society and Hopetoun Brown kick off Titirangi Festival

Wind and rain is all part of the charm for living in Titirangi so the wet weather had little impact on the crowd that came to watch Carnivorous Plant Society and Hopetoun Brown perform at the Titirangi War Memorial Hall and close out Day 1 of the Titirangi Festival.

The main stage of the hall was neatly decorated with greenery and some members of the audience also came along dressed with a ‘plant’ theme in mind. The Carnivorous Plant Society started off the show followed by Hopetoun Brown. Both the bands have been long-time friends and collaborators so it was not unusual to see different members jump in and out of songs during the night, much to the delight of the dancing crowd.

More information about the Titirangi Festival can be found at:

The 13th Floor sent Reuben Raj along to capture some of the concert highlights on camera.

Click on any image to view a gallery of photographs by Reuben Raj from SomeBizarreMonkey Photography: