Concert Review: Max Earnshaw – Wine Cellar, December 10, 2020

They say rock & roll is for the young. And while Dylan, Cave and…Young may disagree, Max Earnshaw and The Rvmes made a strong case for it last night at The Wine Cellar.

The occasion? The release of Max Earnshaw’s new single, Love It When You Hate Me. But let’s face it, this just felt like an excuse for a group of friends to make noise and dance around like fools.

You may remember Max from a 13th Floor Video Session we posted back about a year and a half ago when young Max was all of 21 years of age. Now 18 months older the grizzled veteran was accompanied on stage by his band featuring drummer Josh Johnston, bassist James Fistovich and guitarist Christo Karadjov, who, I must admit, has been an intern here at 13th Floor before spreading his wings and flying.

So, it was good to see Max and Christo and the boys again and many of their severely younger friends showed up to lend support.

Speaking of support, the opening act, The Rvmes (pronounced “Rooms” I believe) did a fine job of getting things in motion, playing a tight set of rockin’ originals including Big Bam Room, which got the place dancing when lead man Edwin Judd jumped off stage and careened through the crowd.

New tune, an instrument called DNB (Drum And Bass) sounded intriguing. The rest of the band consists of guitarist Miro Gibson, drummer Logan Fox and the bushy-haired Ronaldo Lima on bass (could he be doing double-duty in Alien Weaponry?)

Back to Max…

Despite objections from “no-banter Christo”, there was plenty of interaction with the audience…stories were told, songs were sung and tambourines were banged.

After running through their debut single, 2019’s Temporarily, the celebrated new single was put on display for all to hear. Then it was a well-deserved encore (Lonely Love) and off we all went back into the night, trudging back down K’rd.

Marty Duda

Click any thumbnail to view a full size gallery of Max Earnshaw and openers Rvmes. Photos by Rachel Webb.

Max Earnshaw
