Greta O’Leary – Honey Babe: New Song Of The Day

Greta O’Leary shares her sweet, smokey single, Honey Babe and there’s an EP to follow.

Here’s the blurb with more details:

Greta O'LearySending us out the door with kisses, soulful alt-folk artist Greta O’Leary shares her new single ‘Honey babe‘, a gentle and timeless take on love and leaving, and the last single ahead of her debut EP this November.

A shufflin’ slow dance with departure, this decided twist on the classic love song is a seductive, gentle farewell. Steeped in whiskey and existing in its own time and space, Honey babe is the gift of goodbye, and the sweetest love song in reverse we’ve heard.

Greta is a Pōneke-based songwriter and musician whose spacious and pervasive sound is laced with humour and insight, creating poignant offerings that bend the folk genre to her own plain, an unmistakably rare sound that is unique to her.

Coming of age during a few nomadic years hitching around the globe, her lifelong love of music was ignited through the folk scenes of Australia and beyond. “Writing and feeling is truly all that has ever made sense to me”, she says, a fact that is unmistakable after receiving NZoA funding, a debut video that has already amassed over 140,000 views, and mentorships from the inimitable Liz Stokes (The Beths), Sonny Southon and Frances Dickenson.

Her EP is due for release on all platforms on November 18th

Greta O'Leary


Click here for more Greta O’Leary