Photo Gallery: Powerfest – June 6, 2021 New Lynn Community Centre

Powerfest! Congratulations to Andrew Matai and his Powertool Records on the event of their 20th Anniversary.

To celebrate this auspicious occasion, Andrew and his crew but on an all day music festival in, of all places, New Lynn. 38 bands performed on 4 stages from 2pm until 10pm.

We got there early and stayed all day. Highlights included sets by Melanie, Cloudy, The Doubtful Sounds, Loud Ghost and X-Features featuring Jed Town.

While there were no clunkers, there were two bands that stood out.

Three of the four original members of Mary reunited to play a 20-minute set. Its been about 20 years since they released their one album, Maryland. I must say they sounded in prime form, especially those harmonies. In addition to tunes from Maryland, they played a few that had been recorded for a proposed second LP.

Hey, it’s never too late…release the unheard material and reissue Maryland on vinyl while you’re at it!

The other standout was Ratso. Featuring members of The D4/Cavemen/Psychodaisies, these guys rocked like their lives depended on it. I don’t think they have any kind of recorded legacy save a couple of “singles”. C’mon guys, get in the studio pronto!

A special mention must go to Cootie Cuties, a self-described “4 piece poppy punky queer super rad band!”. There were 5 of them on stage. Their most recent EP is titled “Freebleeder” and they prefaced one song in their set with, “This one’s about menstrual freedom”. Ok, I’m all for it, I guess.

Rock and roll was the winner on the day…a good time was had by all. See you in another 20 Powertool!

Marty Duda

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