Spacey Jane, Whammy 11 December 2109: Concert Photos

Aussies Spacey Jane played their second overseas gig at Whammy last night. 13th Floor photographer Todd Buchanan was on hand to capture the action – and share a few thoughts on the show.


Daily J

Opening for Spacey Jane was Auckland indie psych band Daily J. From the crowd’s reaction, you wouldn’t have believed they were just the opener. I was blown away by the blend of pop driven grooves with extended saxophone solos scattered into the mix. After playing a huge set, aptly closing with their 2017 single ‘Space’, they were cheered back to the stage for an encore.

Spacey Jane burst on to stage with a presence which immediately shook the room. There was not a moment any of these guys had both feet on the floor. Their crowd chemistry was outstanding and they held an enlivened Whammy bar on edge through to the end of the night. Not bad for their first show outside of Australia (their first being Tuesday night in Wellington)

~Todd Buchanan

Click any photo to browse a gallery of each band.

Spacey Jane

Daily J

Head Cold
Keep a Clean Nose
Feeding the Family
Love Me Like I Haven’t Changed
Still Running
Good Grief
Good for You
Fill in the Blank
Cold Feet