R.I.P. Charlie Watts: Rolling Stones Drummer and Gentleman
Charlie Watts, drummer for The Rolling Stones, has died at the age of 80.
Charlie Watts, drummer for The Rolling Stones, has died at the age of 80.
50 years ago, The Rolling Stones recorded Sticky Fingers – what is arguably their greatest ever album. It was 500 days in the making and the wait was worth it.
Recorded back in 1974, this is not technically a new song, but we thought you needed to hear this previously unreleased Stones track anyway.
More than 50 years after it was recorded and almost 25 years after it was first released, The Rolling Stones infamous Rock And Roll Circus gets the deluxe treatment.
Here’s your chance to grab a copy of the new Rolling Stones compilation, Honk.
“Like somebody reaching into my brain and turning a switch that suddenly changed my fundamental vision of life from grainy black and white into glorious Technicolor”. That’s how Nick Kent describes the first time he saw The Rolling Stones perform on February 28th, 1964 in Cardiff. That sound, that feeling, can now be revisited […]
Here’s a previously unreleased live version of Chuck Berry’s Roll Over Beethoven performed by The Rolling Stones on October 26th, 1963 for the BBC’s Saturday Club programme.
Alright, so the recording is over 50 years old, but its The Rolling Stones! The band has just announced the release of a new album, On Air, due December 1st, consisting of vintage radio performances.
English piano player Ben Waters has just recorded a tribute to Ian Stewart. Stewart was an original member of The Rolling Stones and avid boogie-woogie piano player who continued to tour and record with the band until his death in 1985. The 13th Floor spoke with Waters about his new album, Boogie 4 Stu. […]